How Can I Squirrel Proof My Bird Feeder
How Can I Squirrel Proof My Bird Feeder . That ended up involving the purchase of professionally made sq proof feeders and therefore some capital expenditure spread over a few years, and then improving the designs a bit. I could tell they were eaten by birds and not by squirrels because the squirrels always discard the shells nearby. Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder - from Sporty's Tool Shop from I needed to find a way to squirrel proof my bird feeder. You can invest in bird feeders that are already equipped with a cage. Finally, a squirrel proof bird feeder that really works! The animals can eat the seed from all the sides, and you can easily observe them. Squirrels are the bane of many bird feeders, but this simple design using just pvc and a plastic jug can keep those rodents out of the food you set out my bird feeders lure carolina wrens and tufted titmouses—titmice?...